Adoption Benefits


  • ​​​​​The application must be made within 6 months after the adoption order has been issued by the court.
    •  The adopted child must be younger than 2 years.
    •  Only one contributor of the adopting parents can apply for benefits.
    •  The time must have been spent caring for the child.
    •  Benefits that are payable is the difference between what the employer pays and the rate that is prescribed in the benefit schedule                              of the Unemployment and the amount prescribed in the benefit schedule, the total amount ​received should not exceed 100%
        of the normal remuneration that the person would 
have received if he/ she remained in employment.
    •  Subject to credits, benefits can be paid for a maximum of 365 days within a period of four years.
    •  The employer must also declare as to whether the worker on adoption leave will be obtaining full or any remuneration whilst on leave.​