Illness Benefits

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     • Application for illness benefits must be made within 6 months that the worker ceases to work due to the illness.
     • Benefits are paid from the date on which the worker ceases to work and becomes fully or partially unpaid due to the illness.
     • A medical certificate must be submitted to confirm the period of illness.
     • Benefits are only payable in respect of periods of illness lasting longer than 7 days.
     • Benefits that are payable is the difference between what the employer pays and the rate that is prescribed in the benefit schedule
       of the Unemployment Insurance Act. When taking into account the amount paid by the employer and the amount prescribed in the benefit
       schedule, the total amount received should not exceed 100% of the normal remuneration that the person would have received if he/she
       remained in employment.
     • Subject to credits, benefits can be paid to a maximum of 365 days in any period of four years.
     • The employer must also declare as to whether the worker on sick leave will be obtaining full or any remuneration whilst on leave.
